Thursday 16 June 2016


Update :14 Nov., 2017 --
Apparently bribery did not work and people still demonstrating and blocking roads. May sent the police to clear them. There were some very rough handling and scenes. Some demonstrators were dragged along the road.

All this goes totally against democracy! Fracking does destroy the environment and it is no surprise people are against it. Democracy is that people can object to government's decisions but Thatcher sent police who very rough handled miners and now May the anti-fracking demonstrators. Tories can't accept any objection.

UPDATED: 14 Aug., 2016 ==
Tory Gov is trying to bribe families with £10k to agree to fracking. Whether they will see the money after the deal is questionable. The main point is that it destroys the land forever.

Greenpeace never stops fighting for justice.

A small town Ryedale in the most unspoiled rural Yorkshire dales was chosen for drilling, their own local council are objecting. It is now in the hands of Westminster Mr Greg Clark.

Is there a medicine to cure this madness? To frack in a Natural Park.

It is not only a shocking news but also a crime because it will destroy the area beyond recognition. How can anyone with some sense decide to destroy such a beautiful surrounding? Make no excuses, destroyed it will be.

There will a massive network of roads being build for up to 250 lorries at day to move in and out. The undisclosed chemicals needed to blast into the ground will also damaged the ground water.

Everyone at Greenpeace and especially the people who live there opposing the decision. If you look at the photos it is unbelievable that anyone could make such a decision. It will nothing but ruin the countryside and surrounding village and town forever.

Since big chimney spill out smoke by burning fossil fuels  it could also change the climate. All in all it will be devastation for decades to come especially for the wildlife and flora.

Greenpeace had been fighting this ruthless company for several years. then it was decided to agree to fracking near Ryedale for undisclosed reason if there could be any

During the last 10 years or more fracking in Canada and USA proved nothing but disastrous. Not only for nature but also for several companies which went bust because it did not get the financial result.

Canada and USA stopped fracking because they experienced the damage it caused, mostly to ground water. The fracking companies use an enormous amount of ground water and mix it with undisclosed chemicals which they blast into the ground to raise the gas and oil. Then they pump some out again and put it the chemical and water mix into lorries. Where they dispose it off is also unknown.

Viewing all these negative points and experiences by Canada and USA why is David Cameron so hell-bound to have it in the UK?
Part of Ryedale lies within the North Yorkshire Moors National Park.

At the moment Greenpeace is demonstrating in front of 10 Downing Street and handed in a competition of over 100,000 signature and rising.

The Decision lies with one man Mr Greg Clark since David Cameron faced a huge opposition from councils and people he gave the whole power to Westminster. Talk about democracy. 


Hi there,

A leaked government letter has exposed a plot to force fracking on us [1].

If this plan is pushed through, one man in Westminster will have the power to overrule councils that vote against fracking -- meaning that local people will lose their say and be forced to live with the risks.

More than 100,000 people have already signed an urgent petition pushing back against this outrageous government plan, but we'll be even more powerful if thousands more of us join in.

Sign the petition here:

David Cameron's government claims to champion local democracy, so let's demand they listen to us on fracking.


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