Tuesday 14 June 2016


All Kangaroos look alike with their short front limbs and powerful elongated hind legs useful for hopping. The larger animals are kangaroos and the smaller one are wallabies.  The heavy tail is used to balance and used as a prop when grazing. They also can climb by gripping branches. When they walk backwards or forward they use their hind legs separate.

Male kangaroos are larger then females. In the red and grey species they are twice as big. In fights between males it is decisive for only the strongest and biggest get to mate. The male monopolises all the receptive females and fathering all the offspring in the group.


Habitats varies between the species. Some live in forests and some on inland plains. The borrowing bettong or boodie is the only kangaroo which lives in burrows. Wallaroos and rock wallabies like stony rises in open areas.

The larger kangaroos feed from dawn to dusk in open grassland preferable near a woodland.

Red and grey kangaroos eat the same quantity as sheep but do not interfere with them because they prefer different plants.

Rat kangaroos are solitary animals. Larger kangaroos live in a group some times up to 10. 

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