Saturday 9 July 2016



Greenpeace is running a campaign about the destruction of one of the most beautiful and fragile eco-systems - the Amazon.

Brazilian Government planning to built 400 dams across the Amazon which would destroy it completely. One of them is in the Tapajos river basin.

Years ago, at school, we were told that Amazon is influencing our climate. Yet, we read constantly how huge areas are deforested.

Now a huge hydro dam is planned which floods an area around the Tapajos river. This will devastate the area where 12,000 indigenous people live, destroy pink dolphins, turtles  and fish. It will lead also to huge number of plants, mammals and fish to be extinct.


The Munduruku people have lived there for thousands of years and fighting the Brazilian Government for 30 years to change their plans. Now they are asking for help.

They live along the river which provides them with food , using it as transport and survival of their cultural and spiritual practises. Flooding this area means an end to their way of live.

They ask from the Brazilian Government for their area to be recognised as their territory.

The Brazilian Government's argument is that a Hydro dam is a clean energy provider. However, if you think about it, it is not. It destroy acres of land and especially wildlife. It would be far better to use solar panel, especially in Brazil. The only snack is, which they will never reveal, the Government does not earn on it.

Greenpeace now took up their fight and appealing to all the people around world to sign up and put pressure on the Brazilian Government to stop.

For more information about our campaigns please see our website: or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

They poison rivers, destroying forests and then they find out that they can not eat money.

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