Sunday 19 November 2017


This is a shocking and devastation news that Trump would stop the ban on elephants’ and lions’ trophy. It is not known whether the Congress already agreed to stop the ban. Hopefully they turn Trump down.

Of course, May will follow suit; she already passed a remark weeks ago.

This will put all the hard work of conservationist as wasted. As it is every 28 minutes is an elephant killed which is already feared and seen as danger of extinction. Now, with the ban lifted, it will be nothing but mass killing.

The African countries were putting up a fight for decades to save the animals from extinction because of the Black Market. These animals were already marked on the danger list but with all their 
efforts they increased the numbers.

The poachers latest dirty trick was to put poison in the waterholes avoiding having to shoot them and alert the game's warden.

The only reason, as I see it, is Trump’s two sons already enjoying shooting elephants and lions. They want to bring their trophies home, make money on it, and avoid prosecution.

It does not show any principles to be a President of the USA.

The same goes for May who itches to cancel the ban. Despite the ban UK is the second largest exporter of ivory in the world. That’s all the Tories good for hunting and boozing.

They forget that people voted them in for standing up for them and doing right for them which is in doubt for a long time. They forget that the same people can also vote them out and, at the moment, it is only a matter of time.

The same goes for fox hunting. Despite of a ban the ‘Elite’ still does and will not be prosecuted. May also fights to get the ban lifted but so far MPs seem to show some principles and refuse to agree.

They all seem to be so arrogant to ignore the law.

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