Tuesday 7 April 2015


UPDATED:  2 October, 2015 -
Shell finally gve up that fight and withdraw from Alaskan waters. According to Shell the testing did not show enough oil and gas to be worthwhile to continue the operation.

Congratulation to Greenpeace and its supporters who put up a great fight.

A group of musician are playing the Requiem of Alaska at the entrance of the Shell Building in London every day.  Hoping it will have an impact on Shell's top executives and it will stop them drilling in Alaska.

UPDATE:  16 July, 2015 --

According to Greenpeace Shell rig is still heading towards the Arctic. It is only days away from the drilling site.

When the rig left CHUKCH SEA Shell discovered a metre long gush in the hull of its icebreaker MSV FENNICA.

A critical piece of Shell equipment has been damaged; they still hope to receive the final permission to drill .

The part is of the most importance of the Shell oil spill response plan, since it carries a capping stack that must be deployed in a blow-out. 

An outraged risk.

Before they even begin to drill seismic tests, which are hundred times of a supersonic boom of a plane,  have already devastating effects on the wildlife. 

Even Shell has to admit an oil spill is inevitable and will have an devastating impact on the wildlife. An oil spill, Shell estimated, can be 25,000 barrel of oil per day and up to 30 days before is can be capped. 

LATEST NEWS:  --  5 July, 2015  --

Since Greenpeace could not stop the rig they gathered evidence to prove Shell is not trustworthy to drill in the Arctic.  The US regulator is now involved and hopefully Shell can be stopped now. 7million people round world have signed up on Greenpeace's campaign. The hard work and dedication of Greenpeace deserves all out admiration.

UPDATE:  -- 28 June, 2015 --

Shell received another licence and with that they are able to start drilling 1 July, 2015. Thanks to President Obama and USA Government.

It is devastating news not only to the people trying stop Shell but mostly to the environment of the Arctic. 

An Indian Chief said in 1905 were nobody ever thought about pollution and destruction of the environment: "They destroying the forests, poison the water and then they find out that they can not eat money."

UPDATE:  15 June,2015 --

In spite of AVAAZ reassurance that the major of Seattle would not serve the Shell oil rig, it is in the harbour of Seattle.  Whether President Obama ordered to serve the rig is not clear. Greenpeace is determined to stop the rig leaving and launched many canoes to block the harbour's exit. It is a disgrace for the USA to agree to Shell's drilling in Alaska. If it were the Russians; all hell would break lose from the USA and the shout would be conservation.

UPDATE:   12 May, 2015 -- A crashing blow was announced. Shell received the Licence from the US  government for drilling in Alaskan Water. It will have devastating results on the wildlife for which the Greenpeace was s bitterly fighting for but there is oil and money and it always speaks louder. 

UPDATE:   5 May,2015  -- According to Greenpeace Shell had changed its tactics and is filming in Alaska the wildlife. Greenpeace does not trust the peace and watching them. It is odd for Shell to film wildlife.  Is it a cover-up  or a side-tracking?

UPDATE:  23 April, 2015 --  Two days ago they had to leave because the forecast of the weather was bad and the waves, they were sailing into, were to high to survive on that platform.  Congratulation to those courages volunteers and thank you for highlighting it to the world

Only Mr Obama can stop Shell drilling in the Alaska Arctic.  Without the approval from the Obama Administration Shell will not be able to drill.

It was 26 years ago when Exxon Valdez spilled over 11 million gallon of crude oil into the Alaskan waters. It killed hundred of thousands of marine mammals of a great variety. It can not be risked again.

Even the Obama administration admits that there is a 75 per cent chance of the thousand of animals losing their lives and the Arctic landscape will be destroyed forever.  The high chance of causing such a catastrophe is unacceptable.

Surely President Obama has to agree to that and refuse a licence. .

Six volunteers have climbed up to the Shell oil rig under great risks. The oil rig is towed at the moment across the pacific. These courageous young people have to admired. They dedicate and risk their lives to save hundred thousands of mammals and Alaska from being destroyed.

Please signe the petition clicking on:

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