Monday 9 January 2017


Its Only Days away when the company starts fracking. 

I think, and most of the people would agree with me, to allow a company to search for oil and gas under the Sherwood Forest the Government must be off balance.

There are 500 year old oaks in there and the chemical put into the ground and explosion bound to kill them. 

Even to think about it to have a nothing but profiteering company trying to drill under a thousand-year-old forest which had been care for decades is absolute lunacy.
It is also famous for the Robin Hood legend.

Is this Tory Government really swallowing the story it will not be harmed by underground explosion and chemical pumped into its ground water? Or do they not care but just look at the profit they can get?

Is that all that matters to them – money? As if they are not already swimming in it.

Please Please sign the petition 38 Degrees put up to fight for the

preservation of the Sherwood Forest

Protect Sherwood Forest

To Forestry Commission Why is this important?

Sherwood forest, home to ancient trees, rare wildlife is in danger. A huge energy company, INEOS, is trying to get permission to explore underneath it for gas. Britain’s most famous woodland could soon be filled with lorries, heavy machinery and explosions.

A government agency, called the Forestry Commission, can decide whether to let the energy company into the forest. They manage all the forests in the UK and are supposed to protect them. They know the risks of letting INEOS into Sherwood - but are probably coming under pressure to let the deal go ahead.

The deal could be signed any day now. A huge public outcry could give the Forestry Commission the push they need to stand up to INEOS and protect our ancient forest.

Can you sign the petition to protect Sherwood Forest before it’s too late?

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