Sunday 28 June 2015

SICK TRADE OF IVORY Update 17 August, 2017

America is one of the biggest importers of ivory.  
 Please stop it !!!!!

Update 17 August, 2017 --

UK two-faced Tory Gov. is the second biggest trader in Ivory!!!! To cover their foul deeds and to blindfold the public they put a ban on it.

Update 22 May, 2017 --
Theresa May and the Conservatives will try to stop the ban of ivory trade introduced by Labour if they win in the coming General Election 2017

UPDATE: 4 May,  2016 --
Kenya burned a 106 tons of tasks which were confiscated. It is revealed that about 30,000 elephants are killed each year for their tasks by poachers, Igt is needless to say that it will extinct these magnificent sooner than later. 

According to records every 15 minutes an elephant gets killed by poachers fr their ivory. It is that bad.

Too many articles had been written and yet the killing of these magnificent animals goes not only on but increased for the sick trade of ivory. 

There is no doubt that it is a multi-million business run by a well organised crime syndicate.

The root of the problem is greed by traders because ivory has a higher price than gold.  

For the poachers who actually do the dirty deed of killing the elephants is a good income but not as much as for the traders, and in countries where people are desperate for money it is almost and I say almost excusable. 

When you visit the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya, near Nairobi, you can watch the baby elephants playing in the sunshine looking all carefree but the truth behind it is heart breaking. Their mother had been killed for their ivory. The trust was set up by a British Officer. The babies are so young and therefore still depend on their mothers’ milk. Left in the wild they would have no chance.

Although a law exists that trade in ivory is illegal but despite of it, it is increasing   Poaching is out of control and the demand for ivory from the Far East soars.  The only chance to save these beautiful animals would be if the demand would stop or at least drop.

Dame Daphne Sheldrick the co-founder of the trust stated that with the help of their keepers and the love from other little elephants they survive. They are being hand-reared and then returned to the wild.  They have around 60 baby elephants in their nursery.

It is estimated that there are around 35,000 elephants killed every year by poachers for the ivory trade.  They are dying daily and it is nothing but a crime against a magnificent wildlife. How much longer can this go on without the species being extinct or at least kept in zoos to remind us of the loss in the wild, is any one guess.

That is where people should be fighting and not this continuous wars everywhere, killing each other. It would make far more sense to fight to preserve nature which they are so fortunate to have but do not appreciate it till it’s gone.

The various authorities from many countries doing their best to catch shipments to stop the trade. Only recently they caught a seven tonne shipment destined to the Far East. It was a great success but unfortunately it will not bring the animals back. The shipment came from Kenya.

An art dealer in New York was buying vintage master pieces of ivory and his business was raided and the collection was destroyed.  He received a prison sentence of eight years.


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