Friday 17 July 2015


The poison in snakes, scorpions, frogs, jellyfish and ants kills or immobilise their victim. They produce venoms and secretions which have a chemical that is so strong to kill or immobilise their victims. Scientists are now looking into it whether this chemical compound can be used for medical purposes.

The Pit viper venom is already used in many drugs. The pit viper is from Brazil and its venom is used in drugs to treat people with high blood pressure. It constricts the blood vessel and increases the blood pressure.


The Russel's viper of India and Southeast Asia has a chemical in its venom which controls bleeding and it helps haemophiliacs.


The Malayan pit viper's venom contains an important ingredient for treating thrombosis


The venom of Africa's mambas, including the deadly 14 ft (4.3 m) long mamba, scientists discover and isolated proteins which can help treating brain diseases.

A natural ingredient blocking pain effectively was discovered in the skin secretions of frogs. The toxin taken from some of the brightly coloured arrow-poison frogs, found in Central America, has been produced into a painkiller and they realized that it is better than morphine.
Then there is a spider which toxin immobilises its prey for up to three weeks without any after effect. Scientists look into it and hope that they can produce a drug to be used on patients to sedate them for a long time without ill effect, such as lengthy operations.
Most people but for a few are no friends of snakes especially poisonous ones and therefore there is a dislike already against having their poison as medicine. However, since scientists approved of it and think it would be better than chemicals the patient should think again if it eases pain and saves live.

This is truly amazing.

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